October 20, 2011


So anyone that saw me a month ago and the few before that, know I have had a tough time with this pregnancy.  Not just the shock of being pregnant again but with the sickness.  I never won't to be deathly ill because I swear I felt like I was going to die some days.  I don't ever want to know what it really feels like.  I couldn't keep anything down fluids or solids so it was either IV's or feeding tubes.  I decided to try the IV's:) I started doing them and they wanted them to last a few days to a week.  But they were so painful because I was so dehydrated and I was having major anxiety with getting them in.  They would either clog up, get infected, bubble under the skin, etc... I was in almost every day because something would be wrong with the IV, well not really the IV it was my veins but whatever. I was not having much luck so they told me we needed to get a picc line put in. They put it in your arm and the tubing goes to your heart.  You can't feel it once it is in.  I was so nervous to do this but I knew I had to so I could get better.  I had it in for a couple of months and did my own fluids and medication through that every day at home.  Towards the last couple of weeks I noticed that my skin was getting way more itchy than normal.  My skin was reacting to the bandage I had on.  I was getting blisters all over even in places the bandage was not.  I was terribly scared to get this thing out but was so ready so that I could scratch my arm and take a shower.  It has been over a month now that I've had it out and I still have some scaring but hopefully that will go away soon.  If you ever have to do this do not stress about getting it out, I thought they were lying to me when they told me I wouldn't feel a thing.  Oh my goodness I really didn't feel anything when it came out.  I am so thankful for all the nurses that took good care of me.  And I can definitely say this is for sure the last time I will be pregnant!

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