January 5, 2011


Well there would be so much to say about Christmas this year if only I could remember everything.  But since I don't here are a few things we did during the holiday season.

-Savannah got to put up her pink Christmas tree in her room.  She wanted one so bad last year but her Daddy said no.  Well to my surprise they had one left after Christmas for $7 so my little Savannah got her tree:)
-We drove through the Festival of Lights in Spanish Fork.  Savannah of course enjoyed that and wanted to go another round.  When she saw Santa and his reindeer she said "Santa turned into lights". I think she was a little worried he wouldn't turn back into Santa before Christmas.
- We had family over on Christmas Eve for a late breakfast, opened the cousin gifts and gifts from G. Ma and Grandpa and watched a Christmas movie, Santa Paws. Cute movie for the little ones and I even enjoyed it.

- Savannah wanted to put Santa's cookies and milk in her room this year. Before bed she told me it was okay if Santa sits in her little chair and it breaks.

- When Savannah saw the Barbi house that Santa left her she was so excited and then looked at me and said "where is my new Barbie" geez I thought I did good with the Barbie house. Note to anyone that buys their kid  a barbie house, buy a barbie. After I explained to her that she has a whole basket of Barbie's she ran upstairs to get them and played all day with it.
- We spent some of Christmas day over at Jeremy's sisters house.  It was a lot of fun, Savannah was the angel and Breckin was baby Jesus.
- We went up American Fork Canyon with the four wheelers and Jeremy's brother and pulled the kids on a huge sled. Savannah went down on the sled by herself for the first time. Usually she rides on someones lap.

 We didn't get everything done that we normally like to do this year (like the gingerbread house that is still in the package) but we did enjoy spending this time with our family and learning about Christ. Hope everyone was able to spend Christmas with loved ones and remember those that might not be with us anymore.

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