October 25, 2010

Welcome Brother

Breckin made his grand entrance into this world on October 7, 2010 whether he wanted to or not.  I decided to be induced a couple days early and it was a good thing, at least that is what the doctors said. I also thought it was a good thing.... I didn't have to be pregnant for another couple days or more. I am pretty sure he was following his sister and wanted to be a late baby too. He was born at 1:44 pm and weighed 8 pounds 1 ounce and was 20 1/2 inches long.
The delivery went perfect.  I delivered at Orem Community and the staff there was beyond amazing.  My doctor did a great job of making sure our baby came out okay.  The last couple of doctor appointments I had my blood pressure started rising but not anything to be scared of yet.  After they started me at the hospital it quickly kept rising so they were really concerned and on the fence whether they should do something but they were just watching it closely.  When I was dilated to a five or six every time I had a contraction the babies heart rate would drop really bad.  So they were also getting a little nervous about that.  But during all of this I was informed about it but they were really good about not stressing me out. That is probably the last thing they wanted to do. The nurse checked me and I was at a seven and it seemed like right after she left the room I told Jeremy that I thought the baby was going to fall out.  He didn't believe me because I was just checked and was at a seven but wow I guess I move fast from that point because I was ready just a couple minutes later.  I think I pushed for maybe four or five minutes before we got to see our precious little baby boy.  After they cleaned him and I was ready the nurse told me it was a really good thing I came in when I did to be induced because the reason his heart rate was dropping so much is his umbilical cord was wrapped around his neck pretty bad.  What a blessing that was.  I am so thankful that I had a wonderful delivery and a healthy little boy.
Savannah came to the hospital to see her new little brother and she was all smiles.  She was so excited to finally meet who she had been talking to in my belly.  Brother had a couple of gifts waiting at the hospital for her to open and she thought that was just so great.  She went to the nursery and got to watch the nurse give him his first bath.  She will be an amazing big sister.
We are so blessed with awesome family, friends, neighbors and ward members who care about us. Thank you everyone.

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