October 30, 2010

Happy Halloween!

Before Halloween we always paint or carve pumpkins. This year we were so busy that we only had the kids paint a pumpkin.  Savannah of course painted her master piece and Breckin stamped his foot in some paint with the help of mom, he actually slept through the whole thing. We also had a halloween party with some friends and family but since Breckin was only two weeks old I didn't really get any pictures except a picture of the cupcakes. I know, random.
Savannah as Jesse

 We celebrated Halloween this year on Saturday since it was falling on Sunday. Savannah chose a couple months ago that she wanted to be Jesse from Toy Story and she wanted me to be a fairy so I made a costume the best I could with out spending tons of money on a fairy costume at the store. Breckin was Bones or a skeleton. Savannah said he was a monster. Jeremy of course wore his normal shirt. We went to our church Halloween party, it was a lot of fun. I really enjoyed seeing all the different costumes and some people I didn't even recognize in their costumes. It was a very rainy day so we were not sure if we were going to get to take Savannah trick or treating, so I went in the laundry room and I let her knock on the door over and over to trick or treat. She thought it pretty fun so it was worth it. Luckily after our hail storm it calmed down and the kids must have been sitting waiting by the windows watching for the rain to stop because it seemed like everyone came out all at the same time. I can't complain, even with the bad weather it was a fun Halloween. Hope everyone had safe and fun time also.

This is what mother nature decided to do right
when we were about to leave for trick or treating.

This was our inside trick or treating.

Savannah and all of her candy after she
really got to go trick or treating.

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