December 18, 2009

Tis the Season to be Jolly!

This month has been so busy with all the fun things to do during the holiday season; parties, baking, decorating, shopping, and of course reading all the wonderful Christmas stories and remembering what Christmas is really about!  We are having so much fun with Savannah.  She is old enough to know what is going on and she is so in love with anything to do with Christmas.  It could be something as small as wearing her red dress or as big as going to see Santa Claus.  She talked about seeing Santa Claus forever and when we took her she wouldn't say a word to him.  As soon as we left she didn't stop talking about him. 

She got to go sledding this month thanks to her "Dinana" and Josh.  She is so adventurous!  She loves to do anything that might me dangerous!  But she will make sure to tell you before you do it to "be very careful, very, very careful".  When she went sledding, Josh fell off the sled and she loved telling everyone about that.  She would laugh so hard when telling you the story. 

She is quite the Christmas singer.  She surprises us every day with how many songs she knows.  And I must say she has the most beautiful voice.  It just melts your heart.  We love to hear her sing! 

We are trying to teach her early that it is better to give than to receive so every toy she sees, she will say "this is for my friend, huh?"  She is always talking about how she loves her family and friends.  It is amazing how much a two and a half year old knows!

Savannah made her first gingerbread house.  It was the most perfect little house!  She loved making sugar cookies with Momma and loved eating them with Daddy.  While we were making them she would tell me, "Mom I need to leave, I just need to leave" and then would come back in the room "Mom, I'm back".  She kept stealing little pieces of the cookie dough and going in another room to eat it.  You gotta love her!

She really loves all the Christmas lights up everywhere.  She gets so excited when she sees them! Thanks to all those who decorated their homes.  She always wants our Christmas tree lights on and I am always finding her finishing touches to the tree.  Whether it is her Barbie stuck in the branches or her bracelets hanging from the tree limb.

We hope that we can continue to carry on the Christmas spirit through this whole year and to always look for opportunities to help those around us.  We appreciate all of our family and friends and hope that everyone has a wonderful holiday season!
Merry Christmas!


  1. She's such a cute girl! I love her personality through her pictures! I love that you guys are teaching her the joy of giving!

  2. Thanks Kaylin. She has really been so much fun these past few months. We love all her personality although it is hard at times we love it!
