August 28, 2010

My dear friend, I will miss you!

My dear friend Janeece, passed away on Wednesday, the 25th of August. She would have been turning 28 in October. Janeece was seriously the strongest person I have ever met. This was her second time with a rare cancer (after beating it in high school) they found it again when she was pregnant with her second child. It has been almost four years of doing so many different chemo's, radiation and experimental treatments. She was such a fighter! She never would complain, but always would listen to you complain. She was such a great friend to so many! I remember when we first met. We worked together at Lowe's in Orem and she was engaged and I had just got married.  We would talk to each other about our husband and fiancee and realized that they were so much alike. We decided to go on a double date to Red Robin and from there we all became really good friends. I have had a hard time realizing that she is gone because I just hoped that she would beat this cancer (it was hard to not be positive about it because she was so positive). I learned so much from her and she was a great example to me.
The other day Savannah asked me to see the "Cinderella Janeece". A couple of years ago Janeece started dressing up as Cinderella and going to parties for little girls. She really made the girls feel special and feel like they were truly a princess. Savannah just loved every time she came over in her Cinderella costume. I tried to explain that Janeece is now in Heaven but she understood it as well as any three year old would. She said something about maybe tomorrow then. We have been praying for Janeece for so long now that in Savannah's prayers she still asks for Janeece to get better. I still pray for her family because I have absolutely no idea how they must feel.
I was talking with her and she asked me if I was going to do a Halloween party (she loves to dress up) I told her I probably wasn't because the baby is due on October 9th. A few days later I thought she would really like to come to a Halloween party so I told her that I would do one for her. She isn't going to make it in person to the party but I know she will still be there in spirit and I plan on having a party in her honor because I know how much she loved getting dressed up for Halloween.
Janeece, you were such an amazing girl!  I seriously looked up to you so much! When I have my bad days as a mom I always say to myself, Come on Amy if Janeece can do it with cancer you can do it! I feel so blessed to have know you and to be your friend. I will always think of you and your family. Your kids are awesome and I know they will grow up to be such great examples like you were to everyone around you. I love you and thank you for everything you ever did for me and my family. I know we will meet again (well if I make it to Heaven - maybe you could sneak me in). You will be truly missed by so many!
P.S. I hope you got to meet Breckin before he comes down to our family!



  1. I don't know this girl but she sounds like a great example! This made me cry and realize like you said in this post to remember that people live so much harder lives and if they can do it, so can we. Sorry you lost a friend, you'll see her again though!

  2. Thanks Kaylin! You are very sweet!

  3. Oh, Amy. I'm so very sad. I had no idea. I'm trying to type through my tears. She was such a fighter and went through so much. She was an example to me of strength and endurance. My heart breaks for her little family. I know how close you were and I'm so sorry. I'm so grateful for the plan of salvation!
